Become a part of the acclaimed and dynamic NST Youth Theatre.


Work with professional theatre makers to create thrilling and inspiring work as part of our main house programme. Find your voice and explore the transformative nature of theatre.



Each week within the age banded groups you will spend time working on developing your drama and acting skills through exercises, games, ensemble based workshops and in session performance opportunities. These sessions run for 10 weeks per term.

Each year NSYT aim to do 3 shows between the Spring and Summer terms. While rehearsal days and audition processes will vary from production to production, our aim throughout every year is to be as inclusive as possible. 

If you are cast for one of our productions, all rehearsal dates you are called for will be mandatory attendance. You are also encouraged to continue attending the weekly NSYT sessions during this time, although we understand this might not always be possible. 


Autumn 2018 TERM DATES

First sessions 25th and 27th September

Download Term Dates



13 – 16 year olds: 17:30-19:00

16 - 21 year olds: 19:15 - 20:45



13-16 year olds: 17:30-19:00

16 – 21 year olds: 19:15-20:45


Please note that you will only be required to attend ONE of the sessions per week.

Cost: £65 per term 

*Please note that bursaries are avaliable for participation in any Children & Young People's activity. We encourage applications by anyone for whom fees are a significant obstacle to participation. 

Bursary Application Form


If you're interested in our Youth programme but aren't quite 13 yet then check out NST Drama Club for 5 - 13 year olds.


Youth Theatre sessions run in our Rehearsal Room on the top floor of NST City, situation in the centre of Southampton on Guildhall Square (142-144 Above Bar Street, SO14 7DU). 


Do you want to get involved? Just Resgister Your Interest, we'll be in touch as soon as a space opens up in the appropriate group. Alternatively email us on [email protected]


If you have any questions or would like more information about NST Youth Theatre, please email [email protected] or call 023 8031 5500 (option 2).


Are you interested on seeing some behind the scenes action? Or just what we get up to during weekly sessions? Give us a follow on Facebook or Instagram!


The perfect introduction to theatre for 5 – 13 year olds.


Fun, fast-moving sessions of games and exercises to test skills and develop imagination. Through Drama Club children and young people develop confidence to express themselves. Sessions are split into age groups, where children will explore different styles and approaches to drama, in an informal and friendly environment. Each term runs for 10 sessions.


Autumn 2018 TERM DATES

ALL first sessions 22nd September 

Download Term Dates



5 – 7 year olds:     9.00 to 10.00
7 - 9 year olds:     10.00 to 11.00
9 - 11 year olds:    11.00 to 12.30
(Group 1)
11 - 13 year olds:  13.30 to 15.00
9 - 11 year olds:    15.00 to 16.30
(Group 2) 
Cost: £65 per term *

*Please note that bursaries are avaliable for participation in any Children & Young People's activity. We encourage applications by anyone for whom fees are a significant obstacle to participation. 

Bursary Application Form


If you're over the age of 13 but are still interested in our youth programme then check out NST Youth Theatre for 13-21 year olds.



Youth Theatre sessions run in our Rehearsal Room on the top floor of NST City, situation in the centre of Southampton on Guildhall Square (142-144 Above Bar Street, SO14 7DU). 


Do you want to get involved? Just Resgister Your Interest, we'll be in touch as soon as a space opens up in the appropriate group. Alternatively email us on [email protected]


If you have any questions or would like more information about Drama Club, please email [email protected] or call 023 8031 5500 (option 2).


Are you interested on seeing some behind the scenes action? Or just what we get up to during weekly sessions? Give us a follow on Facebook or Instagram!


What About Me?

Summer Youth Project 2018

30 July - 10 August at NST City

(Excluding weekends)

In a world that has so many voices fighting to be heard, it’s time for yours to stand out.

Take centre stage this summer when your story becomes the subject, your words become the script, and your experiences become the action on an exciting two week intensive course that starts with you.

Over two weeks, young people will work with professional theatre makers to create pieces that highlight what is important, culminating in a performance.

You’ll learn about stage-craft, make new friends, and be part of a unique encounter with NST and ArtfulScribe as part of the SO:Write project.

Whether it’s personal or global, on your doorstep or on the other side of the world, we want to hear what you have to say.


10am to 5pm - 13 to 19 years

Participation: £225 for 2 weeks inclusive (excl. Sat and Sun)

Deposits are avaliable through the Box Office


Book in 2 siblings and receive 10% discount, please call Box Office to apply this discount
50% bursaries are available for these courses for those for whom cost is a significant obstacle.


Do I need to have performed before?

Absolutely not! This project is aimed at people with all typed of experience and abilities, and we actively encourage anyone to come along to this project.

I just want to make up plays, not perform in them! Is this still for me?

Yes! This whole week focuses on theatre MAKING, so we encourage those of all interests to come and try their hand at the creation process.

What should I wear?

Please wear loose and comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement and do not restrict you in any way. We ask you also wear shoes/trainers suitable for movement - while the sessions will not be overly physical, we want you to be comfortable enough for the long days!

Do I need to prepare anything?

Not at all, we’ll start the week with games and getting to know you all, with theatre making and creation happening within sessions. We do have a ‘Getting To Know You’ form though, which we’d like you to complete before starting the 2 week workshop.

What will I be doing each day?

Your first week of the project will be filled with lots of exercises designed to get your creativeness flowing, so that we can start making the pieces that you’ll be performing later in the process. Your second week will be perfecting the pieces you’ve created and developing your own skills, all so that the performance at the end of the week is extra amazing!

We’ll be giving out a more detailed timetable as the project grows nearer.

Should I bring a packed lunch?

As part of the registration form, those aged 18 and over and those with lunch time permissions will be able to leave the theatre/NST Staff during their break times. We’re situated 10 minutes from West Quay Shopping Centre, so there will be plenty of options.

We do encourage you to bring snacks and plenty of fluids however, as small breaks will not give enough time do pop out.