Why Support Us

NST is a registered charity, we rely on the support of individuals, sponsors and funders to continue our work. This support enables us to deliver a nationally recognised programme of work and engage the widest possible audience.

NST offers people of all ages and circumstances the opportunity to experience, learn and get involved in theatre. Our Connect department reaches over 15,000 people annually with an exceptional programme of community engagement, schools participation, Youth Theatre and Drama Club.

We nurture new artists and offer professional opportunities to emerging talent through our Laboratory programme, which works with over 500 artists annually.

NST’s Free Ticketing Scheme.
NST are committed to offering young and disadvantaged people in our community the opportunity to attend a performance or participate in an activity or workshop free of charge.

These valuable experiences are made possible through the donations we receive.

Generous donations from our supporters last year enabled us to give over 1000 free tickets to disadvantaged groups in our community. This included Autism Hampshire, homeless people through the YMCA and children in local primary schools.

Without your support all this work would not be possible.